Changes to my study program.

I don't know what kind of topic is this, it is really boring, and how am going to write 250 words about this?
Like it's my first year I don't know if all the curriculum is good or bad for the anthropologist's performance or if fulfill all the aspects and competences, the only subject that I don't know what is the focus it's Anthropology I because it is so general, and the classes don't have cohesion, like one class talk about something, and the next is totally diferent, so that complicate me a little.
Next Biology, I understand the point of the subject, because there is people who want to study Physical Anthropology, and the matter is not the most difficult, but I don't like Krapivka, or whatever is wrote, he is so weird, I don't know if he tries to be funny or strict, he usually makes jokes that don't make laugh to anybody, and I can't take him seriously, in a test, the question was: if you take your brother in a cutter....? WHAT IS THAT? How am I going to focus in the question if it says that?
In the infrastructure I have to say that the clasrooms next to ex-Calama, are pretty and super design, but are too noisy when the conditioned air is turned on, and the construction is just next to it, so is more noisier, how are you going to focus there, please. I think that we should not use those classroom until the construction is finished, or at least use it in a different schedule when people uses noisy tools.         
I know that this blog is really boring so I'm so sorry if you read it


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